Why Spring is the Best (Easiest) Time of the Year to Get Sober

Trying to be a Sober Girl is tough. Now is the time to use the natural perks of Spring, work with the benefits of the season, and say adios to alcohol. Spring is the season of new growth and change, a wonderful reminder that the cycle of life is starting over again and that better times lie ahead. This is the perfect opportunity to use this momentum of growth and vitality to change your relationship with alcohol.

With the warmer weather, the trees in bud, beautiful blossoms blooming and daffodils shining how can we not be inspired to feel more joyful and optimistic about life when Spring arrives?

There are many reasons to be excited by the new season and the positive effects it can have on our emotional and physical well-being. Spring can be so good for our health and wellbeing and how we can put an extra Spring in our step when it comes to saying bye-bye to booze.

Spring gives us hope

Hope is a common theme associated with Spring. Hope and optimism are fundamental to our well-being, especially when making changes to our relationship with alcohol. Not only do they make life more enjoyable, but experts say they provide psychological resilience against things like stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. People with an optimistic outlook on life have also been found to be sick less often, recover from any illness more quickly than others, and live longer more fulfilled lives.

Spring boosts our mood 

The increased daylight and warmer temperatures in Spring encourage hormonal changes that help to boost our mood and energy levels.

Studies show that when it is darker outside in Winter, our bodies produce more of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which causes us to feel more lethargic. When the days start to brighten in Spring, the light suppresses our melatonin production, which helps us to feel more alert and energized and ready to take on the day, hangover free.

Spring into action

Humans are programmed to rest when it is dark and to be active when it’s light, so as the days get lighter, longer, and warmer we are more encouraged to start doing outdoor activities. No need for binge watching Housewives in the dark with a bottle of wine. Green exercise and being connected to nature is a huge wellness trend and became even more important during the pandemic. 

If winter is too cold and summer is too hot, Spring is just perfect for outdoor exercise. According to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, it is more beneficial for your mental and physical well-being than a sweaty session indoors. The fresh air and natural light are more invigorating and provide more energy for the body and mind. It is also thought that outdoor exercise lowers the blood pressure and heart rate. This means it feels less strenuous than exercising indoors, which in turn helps us achieve our maximum performance.

Exercise releases endorphins that help relieve stress and pain and increase the production of serotonin, which boosts our mood. Sleep quality can also be improved.

Spring sunshine tops up our Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin that most people don’t get enough of. Although some come from our diet, 80% of our vitamin D is made from cholesterol in our skin when it’s exposed to the sun. Vitamin D is essential for optimal health and a deficiency or insufficiency can cause many serious health problems including osteoporosis, cancer, depression, muscle weakness, and even death.

We don’t get sufficient sunshine in winter, which is why we should get outside and enjoy the Spring sunshine as much as we possibly can (in a safe manner of course). According to the NHS, most people can make enough vitamin D from being out in the sun daily for short periods. Get your spring glow on, naturally.

Spring encourages a cleaner diet and a cleaner home

Spring is a great time to spring-clean both your diet and your home.

We’re more likely to be hungry and crave not-so-healthy foods in the chilly winter months, but the warmer spring weather gives us the perfect opportunity to ditch the winter junk and dose up on fresh, spring produce. Its time to replace your hangover take-out food with fresh in-season veggies like artichoke, asparagus, beetroot, purple sprouting broccoli, kale, spring greens, and spinach.

Spring is also a traditional time of year to give our home a good old Spring Clean. The process of cleaning and decluttering can actually make us fitter and benefit our mental health. Research shows that clutter and mess can leave us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and helpless – raising stress hormone levels, and making it harder for us to relax. So, throw open your windows, let the sunshine and fresh air in, and have a good old vigorous clean and tidy. You’ll not only burn a few calories, but a more stream-lined space will help you feel more in control of your day-to-day life.

Take advantage of spring

Now is the time to change your relationship with alcohol. Through accountability, coaching, and community you will feel the love and support of like-minded women. Get off the hamster wheel and make the most of your healing journey! Join the Sober Girl Social Club.


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