How to Stay Sober at Family Functions

They say our family are the people who push our buttons the most because they are the ones who installed the buttons in the first place! For anyone, at any stage of their life and booze-free journey, being around family can be stressful and very emotionally charged.

Here are some must-have tips to move through family functions with ease and grace and your sobriety in place.

First things first, download the free guide to a Booze Free Happier Hour. This will give you the must-have techniques to achieve relaxation, avoid boredom, and socialize without alcohol.

1. B.Y.O.B 

Bring your own beverage. I don't know about you, but plain old sparkling water gets boring pretty quickly. It’s the holidays go on and treat yo’ self! I am a kombucha connoisseur. Mix up some mocktails, taste test some non-alcoholic options. There are some amazing NA beer and wine options. Try anything that makes you feel special and is interesting to drink. Find your new favorite non-alcoholic alternative with our Ultimate NA Drink Guide. (there are promo codes to save you that money hunny!)

2. Stay Busy

Try not to sit too long. We all feel inclined to socialize and catch up with family members and in many families, getting together for the holidays means sitting around and drinking. Try and stay active. Plan activities for your family to do like board games, card games, hiking, or walking. Family bonding through experiences is very powerful and meaningful. When in doubt be of service and help out. Set the table, help in the kitchen, or refill your grandma’s juice. 

3. Set Boundaries

This one takes practice. Lots and lots of practice. Keeping boundaries is hard with anyone, especially family. However, the ones you love the most can hurt you the most. Family always triggers deep-seated issues and setting boundaries can really help these triggers. Boundaries can be anything from staying in a hotel and not at your family's home, limiting conversations with certain family members that don't make you feel good (politics, trash talking others, etc), to taking a time out for a Sober Girl walk by yourself to listen to A Sober Girls Guide Podcast to clear your head. Remember whatever keeps you happy, sane and sober is worth it.

4. Replace Expectations

Getting sober doesn’t mean life is instantly perfect. Just because you have worked on yourself and changed your lifestyle, doesn't mean other people have. The same family issues are still there. The best part is you are in a space where you are more equipped to deal with them (or acknowledge they are there). Accept it, roll with the punches, and rein in the urge to control and change everything and everyone around you. It will be enough for you to take care of and control yourself. Replace your expectations with gratitude and your life will change instantly.

5. Sending Out an S.O.S

Have someone you can reach out to. You are not alone, reach out to a friend, coach, lover, or the dude at the 7-11 counter. Having someone to listen is great but if no one is available, writing down your thoughts and feelings is very powerful. Join our Sober Girl Social Club to connect with like-minded sober/sober curious women.

6. Keep calm and carry on

For me, my anxiety is very physical. I get the sweats and shakes just at the thought of being in high-stress situations. I am a huge fan of Ashwagandha. It calms my nervous system, relieves stress and anxiety, and sharpens focus and memory. Chill Vibe Gummies are all-natural stress relief gummies made with Ashwagandha, an ancient herb known for its calming effects. They are an easy, on-the-go way to relax and stay unbothered around family.

Bonus: No more pills to choke down, fast, easy, and delicious. Two Chill Vibe Gummies a day keeps the anxiety away.

7. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself

Think about why you decided to change your relationship with alcohol, write it down, and carry it with you. For example, ‘I am sober because it allows me to lead a happier and healthier life.’ When the temptation to partake in drinking arises, you can read this over to yourself, reminding yourself why you don't drink. For a friendly reminder, keep it on your phone in your notes to read in the bathroom.


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