Bella Hadid Opens Up About Why She Went Booze Free

"It got harder for me to go out without having one drink to calm my nerves." We have all been in this position and I want to assure you that you’re not alone. Just when you thought you had nothing in common with the celebrity “it girls,” Bella Hadid has recently decided to go sober too and she shares why she changed her relationship with alcohol.

Bella said that her doctor gave her scans that showed how alcohol impacted her brain, which made it "a lot harder to pick up the glass." And in a post from September 2021, she wrote, "My social anxiety was something that slowly crept up on me as I grew into my twenties. It got harder for me to go out without having one drink to calm my nerves, which made me not want to go out at all so I was just hibernating between jobs."

She also added that, "with a life that is constantly pushing a social regime, along with working 13 hour days, every single day, I knew this wasn’t a sustainable life for me."

Bella spoke out in November about her struggle with anxiety. "Sometimes all you've gotta hear is that you're not alone. So from me to you, you're not alone,” she wrote on Instagram alongside several photos of herself crying. “I love you, I see you, and I hear you. Self help and mental illness/chemical imbalance is not linear and it is almost like a flowing rollercoaster of obstacles… it has its ups and downs, and side to sides.”

Now, Bella told InStyle, she's realized that drinking didn't do that much for her. "There's just this never-ending effect of, essentially, you know, pain and stress over those few drinks that didn't really do much, you know?" she said.

She also mentioned that she benefited so much from being sober that she doesn’t even take sleeping pills anymore. “When I was flying so much, that was kind of the only way I would be able to not be jet-lagged,” she said. “But now I really have something holistic and it's doing something for my body every day.”

Bella added that she doesn’t really see herself drinking alcohol again in the future. "I don't feel the need because I know how it will affect me at 3 in the morning when I wake up with horrible anxiety thinking about that one thing I said five years ago when I graduated high school," she said.

Now is the time to change your relationship with alcohol once and for all. Through coaching and community you will feel the love and support of like minded women. You will have weekly home work to complete, exercises to use daily and accountability. When these elements come together you will be living booze free in no time. You will be too busy with a life you love, that you will never have to self medicate again! Join now.


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