5 Must-Have Tips For a Successful Dry January

What the world needs now is a break! A break from the madness, the stress, and the uncertainty. Dry January couldn't come at a better time. It is the perfect palette cleanser after the holiday season, and to clear your mind and start your new year. Take this month to quiet your inner voice, change unfavorable habits, and come home to yourself. 

Let's start by asking yourself why:

Get out your journal and think of as many reasons why you should stop drinking today. There’s no right or wrong answer.  Once you’re more clear on why you want to stop drinking, you’ll be able to refer back to that for motivation through your journey.

Here are 5 tips to make your Dry January successful. 

1. Plan experiences over bars

When planning outings with friends, opt for activities not centered around drinking: Movie, dinner, local play, taking a class together (cooking, pottery), board games etc. One of my favorite things is asking and answering the 36 Questions That Lead to Love . You can do them with your friends, family, partner, whoever, these hard-hitting questions are made to build connection and bring forth vulnerability. 

2. Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork

A little competition never hurt anybody! Get your friends, family and co-workers involved, and have a prize or reward at the end of the month. Keep each other accountable by checking in on FaceTime to keep everyone on track.  Finding an accountability partner in some shape or form is one of my top tips for staying sober. There’s the option to get a sober buddy or a sobriety coach to check in with you and help talk it out on a regular basis. Don’t forget to find your someone and let them know you’re not drinking and to hold you accountable. Join like-minded women in our Sober Girl Social Club.

3. Alternatives Make The World Go Round

If drinking every day is something you plan your day around, then we need to talk. Let’s talk about how to replace those habits. Let’s say your nightly routine consists of pouring yourself a glass of wine when you start cooking dinner and finishing that bottle is on your to-do list. We could use this as an opportunity to drink something else, literally anything else. You could spruce it up a bit with fresh fruit or try some sparkling water. A healthy substitute is always the goal! Check out our Ultimate Guide to Non-Alcoholic Alternatives.

4. Stay focused 

When you go booze-free you are going to feel really great and it may spur more changes. Stay focused on the task at hand and don't overwhelm yourself. Don't be a jack of all trades and master of none. Let's focus on nailing Dry January before making any other big life changes!

5. Stay curious

Try not to be hard on yourself. Lean into those uncomfortable or challenging situations and be mindful of your feelings. For Dry January, you are gathering intel on your drinking and how it affects you physically, emotionally, financially, and interpersonally. Why is it so hard to not drink? Listen to other women’s journeys on A Sober Girls Guide Podcast.

Why do I need alcohol?

Is drinking worth it?

Is alcohol helping or hindering my goals in life?

This January, give yourself the gift of:

✔️ Clear mind

✔️ Calm nervous system 

✔️ Bigger bank account

✔️ Stronger health 

✔️ Deeper sleep

and much, much, MUCH more! 

Now is the time to change your relationship with alcohol. Through accountability, coaching, and community you will feel the love and support of like-minded women. Get off the hamster wheel and make the most of your healing journey! Join A Sober Girls Guide Group Coaching Program.


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